father, and a woodcarver residing in Cokemill. Twice a month he travels to Constance's little forest cabin to give her supplies from town. Well-respected in his local community as a decent, but unyielding man, Horatio spends most of his time working in order provide for his family.
mother. Her weak constitution prevents her from visiting Constance more than
once a year, but at home she is often hard at work making clothes and homemade
goods for Horatio to give to their daughter.
leader of the mercenary group that kidnaps Geoffrey. While more pleasant than
one would expect of a criminal/kidnapper, he doesn’t do much to stop his men from
beating Geoffrey on a daily basis. As long as he doesn't actually die. Samuel does, however, draw a line when it comes
to women.
younger brother. Relatively nondescript in personality, especially when compared to his more unhinged sibling, his adherence to aristocratic tradition and loyalty to his family has won him more favor from his parents than when he was a child. Nonetheless, he is very fond of his older brother and worries for him constantly.
John and
Annabelle Beckett
and James’ parents. Although they were once loving parents to both brothers,
their affections for their eldest son seemed to have waned a bit ever since he
returned from the battlefield.
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